Posts Tagged ‘Aliens’

The Z Harmony Initiative: Educational Resources in the Post-Dead Environment

[In the school yard. An arts-workers observations ]

“Arts interventions with young people in the post-dead world is of the utmost importance. They need a platform to express their observations, ideas and experiences in this transitioning environment”

Case study workshops are currently being conducted at partner school Fairfield Intensive English Centre. This is a pilot arts program that will be implemented state-wide over the coming months as part of the Z Harmony Scheme.  In the examples below, students combined text, illustration and photography to express their experiences with the undead and the unidentified alien species.


The Z Harmony Initiative: Educational Resources in the Post-Dead Environment

[An English Teacher, Sutherland Shire NSW]

“My students at Gymea Technical High School have been creating flipbook animations to explain their experiences. Some of them are a little out there – but I guess in the current environment – who am I to judge what’s real and what’s make-believe?”

The Z Harmony Initiative is currently conducting interviews and research with schools and educational facilities to better understand and engage new ways of educating young people in the post-dead world. One strategy that we have identified as being highly effective, is providing students creative ways to share their experiences and ideas and give them a forum to speak about the epidemic.

Lesson Recommendation: Make an Alien flipbook by drawing on a moment from your life when you felt like an alien. Draw your images on post-it notes or the corner of an old text book. Film the book while flipping through or scan into your computer to edit together.